Friday, December 5, 2014


Since this is my first entry, I thought I'd make a quick introduction to myself and my goals associated with this blog.  As you can probably tell by now, my name is Jeremy and I'm a huge science and technology buff.  My biggest dream is to have a populace which has a scientifically literate majority.  The main reason for this, once you learn to think that way, the decisions you make in life are mostly based upon the best evidence available.  This includes things like who to vote for, what car to buy, what food to eat, and which medicine to take.  At the same time, it helps diminish the impact of charlatans who wish to capitalize on the fears of those who aren't true skeptics, critical thinkers or don't have any sort of background in science.

Which brings me to the other purpose of this blog.  For the last several years, I (along with many others) have made it my goal to combat pseudoscience.  Especially combating those who make a profit selling nonsense which could physically and/or financially hurt their followers.  In some cases, they put everyone at risk with their science denial.  For instance, the anti-vaccination movement compromising herd immunity.

For a long time, I remained anonymous.  I created a fake name on every social media site I use.  All out of fear of repercussions from those who follow this anti-scientific way of thinking.  Well, not anymore.  This is the real me.  My real name, for the first time, online.  It's both liberating and terrifying, because I don't know where this road will lead.  All I know is, if others can do it, so can I.

So, this marks the beginning of a new adventure.  Along this journey, I hope to contribute in some small way to the scientific education of those who do not have an extensive scientific background.  At the same time, I hope to possibly learn more from those who do.            

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